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A unique Forbrain experience awaits you!

☑️ Access our exclusive demo page where we break down the method

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You are just one step away...

A research-backed, revolutionary device

  • Auditory Feedback Loop: Forbrain corrects the way you hear your own voice leading to better speech production and increased confidence.

  • Patented Dynamic Filter: the dynamic filter enhances specific frequencies of speech and constantly surprises the brain to increase memory, attention, and sensory processing.

  • Bone Conduction: bone conduction transmits the sound of your own voice 10 times faster and with greater clarity than air conduction.


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Forbrain has had a significant increase in my patients’ self-discrimination of speech errors.


Laura A. Cole

Speech-Language Pathologist, M.S., CCC-SLP
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With the use of the Forbrain headphones, the boy I work with can easily switch back and forth between topics and can focus on what his peers and teachers are telling him.


Miriam Manela

OT and Author of The Parent-Child Dance
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Forbrain definitely helps people remember, stay in tune, and get a better sense of self-confidence through regular use!

Jeff EMERSON (Diagnosed with Adult ADHD, Blogger)


Diagnosed with Adult ADHD, Blogger
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During the time Boo was wearing the headset, she almost always spoke at a normal volume! It’s awesome.

Boo (Suffers from sensory integration difficulties)


Suffers from sensory integration difficulties
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I can envision Forbrain playing a significant therapeutic role in the future for helping children with special needs and assisting in the rehabilitation process for individuals who suffer brain-related traumas.

Dr. Doug HADDAD (Educator, Author and Health Expert)


Educator, Author and Health Expert
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I truly believe the Forbrain headphones and microphone set will help Gidion to reach his fullest potential in life.

Dr Tuschka Reynders, Gidion’s mother

Dr Tuschka Reynders

Gidion’s mother